Thursday, November 4, 2010

Will Shop For Food!

Mom took Haddie to her very first Mall today and gave her a taste of what it's like to shop.   Haddie wasn't so interested in the shopping (who could blame her) then she was getting to hang out with her new friend, Ainsley Parker Lee.   Ainsley was 1 month and 1 day younger than Haddie and she is the daughter of one of Mommy's good friends - Ms. Lauren.    Haddie told me in the car today that Mom and Ms. Lauren also took Ainsley and her out to lunch too.  Geez, the shopping didn't sound like that was fun but if we are talking about food at Cheesecake Factory, well that's just different!  My advice to Haddie was, next time ditch the shopping and go straight for the food.  However, something tells me that as my sister gets older, she will enjoy the shopping experience much more.   Oh and sister said that Mom made Ainsley and her pose to mark the occasion and below are the snapshots to prove it.  

Check out the girls below!


"Ainsley, close your eyes and play like your dead"  "Then when they're not looking, we can make a run for it"

 "OK, so I think our Mom's are distracted by the yummy cheesecake, when I say go, run as fast as your little legs will carry you" 

" check it.... we have almost matching blankets" "I'd say that's as close to sisterhood as two baby girls can get".

1 comment:

  1. Shopping & lunch dates with girlfriends are the best, Haddie! Learn everything you can about these two things, they will take you far! (as I'm a professional shopping and eating girl myself!)
    Mom's FL BFF :)
