Monday, November 1, 2010

"Growing Up Barr"

Hooray so I see that you've found my new blog!  Well, I guess it's not all my blog anymore since my new sister (Hadley) is also apart of it too.   I'm at least a co-author and until Hadley can actually speak, I'll be doing most of the writing :).  

So you might be wondering about the title of this blog "Growing Up Barr", huh?   Coming up with a title for Hadley's and my blog was tough.  We originally thought that "Raising the Barr's" would be great (hence the URL name) but then Hadley and I figured that was something our silly parents would write from their perspective.  Thus, we kept the URL (to keep our parents happy and make them feel included in some sort of way) but decided to title the blog "Growing Up Barr" so that you could follow our adventures of  how we see growing up as a Barr kid is really like. 

For those of you that followed Emerson's World ,you know that my new little sister arrived into this world on September 17, 2010.  So far she's pretty cool but, I imagine that will change over the years as I get older and she starts to cramp my style :).   However, for right now, I'm a proud big brother and look forward to sharing with you our life of "Growing Up Barr".

Here are a few snapshots of us recently, enjoy!

Emerson & Hadley

PIZZA!!!! I just love it and this was a shot Mommy caught during our weekly movie night.

Haddie is definitely plotting her escape in this photo for sure!

 Sister wants to know, what the heck were our parents thinking when they dressed me?  She says she feels like a boxer on this day!

I think Haddie has a little gas here... hee hee :)

 She looks better here.... I guess the gas must have passed:)

My buddy Savannah invited me to Chuck E. Cheese and I just loved this game.   I'm convinced that a career as a race car driver is possibility for me, what do you think?


  1. Both of you are so precious! Wish I could give you both lots of hugs and kisses in person...just know that I love you and look forward to seeing you(hopefully before the year is out)!


  2. Love the new blog. Am still in awe of Hadley's hair. Your mom will have so much fun with bows and I know she'll be french braiding it soon.
